Everything you’ve been told about

arthritis, joint pain and bone on bone joints has been 

dead wrong.

You’ve been setting off a nuclear bomb with deadly medications - and they are slowly destroying your joints AND could lead to deadly disease…

Everything you’ve been told about

arthritis, joint pain and bone on bone joints has been 

dead wrong.

You’ve been setting off a nuclear bomb with deadly medications - and they are slowly destroying your joints AND could lead to deadly disease…
You’ve been setting off a nuclear bomb with these medications - and they are slowly destroying your joints AND could lead to deadly disease…
And it’s going to turn the entire medical world upside down.
The pharmaceutical companies are in an all-out panic, doing emergency meetings, and calling in favors from their cronies in Washington to get this holy oil banned as soon as possible.

If news of this newly discovered solution gets out to the public the drug companies know their ‘cash cow’ drugs are doomed. 
For decades they have peddled dangerous drugs to the public knowing full well that these pills not only mask the symptoms, but slowly destroy your body from the inside out. 

And now we know it’s so much worse than previously thought.
Over the counter and prescription drugs are slowly eating away at the system in your body that fights off disease and infection.

If you’re taking these drugs now you’re increasing your chance of having not just heart attacks and strokes, but dozens of other serious diseases.

You are crippling your ability to fight off deadly disease with every pill you take. And according to recent studies, those medications are making your joint problems WORSE instead of better. 
This newly discovered holy oil has been proven to be effective at reducing joint pain and bone on bone by attacking the root cause of the problem, instead of simply masking the symptoms by reducing pain.
This oil can radically reduce pain, increase the spacing in your joints, and even support healthy joint tissue growth. It can even improve bone on bone conditions by supporting new joint material, instead of degrading it like so many medications do now. 

That’s right your joints could be HEALTHIER than they have been in decades using this holy oil. This is not just a bandaid, this gets to the root cause of your joint pain. You won’t be simply killing the pain, you will also be creating more flexible, healthier joints. (6)

Isn’t that the best case scenario?

Over 130,000 people have tested it in the last two years and many report that they are canceling surgery, throwing away their canes and walkers and finally living the pain-free life they’d dreamed of.

All thanks to a bizarre holy oil that was present at the birth of Christ.

One patient discovered that their knees went from this: “before photo”

To this after photo” in just a few weeks of using it.
And the best part for seniors is this holy oil actually helps your body in ways that most painkillers destroy it.

Instead of making you more susceptible to heart attacks, stroke and deadly disease, this compound boosts your immune system and can help you stay healthier, longer.

It’s a complete paradigm shift for doctors. Finally there is a solution that actually helps banish joint pain without the negative side effects of standard painkillers and prescription drugs.
So if you’re suffering from pain in your knees, hips, hands, wrists, or any other joint, I implore you to stop what you’re doing and read this article until the end.

I’m going to reveal the holy oil that has doctors and scientists completely rethinking how they treat joint pain.
And you’ll learn why this holy oil is now more valuable than gold on a pound for pound basis.

Plus I’ll show you the truth about inflammation and why everything you’ve been told about it is dead wrong.  Seriously, you’ve been lied to about inflammation for YEARS, its time you learned the truth. 

I’ll also show you 3 health foods you MUST stop eating today if you want pain-free joints. These foods are touted by many doctors as healthy foods, but in fact they are slowly eating away at your joint tissue like battery acid and could leave you in a wheelchair.
I’ll also tell you the incredible story of how I discovered this powerful holy oil and the groundbreaking science behind it. 

It all started with a mass shooting in a crowded shopping mall. This story is scary but it led me to the discovery you’re about to see.
I’ll show you that all the existing remedies for joint pain are slowly destroying your body and shortening your life. The most common painkiller on the market is reducing your body’s ability to fight bacteria and viruses by 95%!

You’ve been setting off a nuclear bomb in your body, when what you really need is a laser-guided missile. The solution I will show you is a perfect for your bone-on-bone joints.

And I’ll prove to you that the drug companies are making billions by slowly killing you and getting you addicted to their profitable painkillers. 
You won’t believe the lies and corruption that these criminals are guilty of, believe me its far worse than you can ever imagine. Only recently have we discovered just how evil these people are. Whatever stories you’ve heard - this is 10x worse. 

Their lies led directly to the horrific state of our nation’s once-beautiful cities. All those hopeless addicts and criminals wandering the streets can thank the evil drug-makers.

They’ve created deadly medications that have killed millions, and are still getting away with it today.  And they knew how dangerous these drugs were all along, but it never stopped them.  All they wanted to do was make enough money to buy private jets, yachts and mansions in the Hamptons.  

I’ll show you that all those fancy toys were paid for with the blood of our fellow Americans.
You have to see this story to believe it.

But for this reason this video will be taken down at any moment. These megacorporations and their cronies in DC will NOT let something like this pass and they’ll censor it as soon as they discover it.

Remember during the pandemic, anyone who dared to say anything bad about the medical establishment was banned, censored or jailed. 
I fully expect that to happen here too. The powers that be do not like it when you question their integrity and authority, and believe me, this video will tear down what little integrity and authority they have left.

So close down any other tabs, put your phone on silent and pay attention.

This article will be unlike anything you have ever seen in your life. You’ll learn more in the next 15 minutes about the root cause of joint pain and how to fix it than in the previous 20 years.

Before I go on, allow me to introduce myself…

My name is Dr. Gregory Smith. I received my masters degree from Harvard Medical School, and have been practicing medicine for the last 35 years.

Lately I have turned my focus to research. 
That’s because over the last two decades of working in clinics in hospitals and the Walter Reed Medical Center, I have noticed a startling and disturbing trend.

We have become completely addicted to pharmaceutical drugs as a society.  And I don’t just mean a chemical addiction, doctors are addicted to prescribing them too.

I know that 90% of MD’s are well-meaning and truly have their patient’s best interests at heart. 

But as you’ll see in just a moment, our medical system is completely broken. It has been corrupted by corporate interests like insurance companies, drug companies and their bureaucratic allies in the 3-letter agencies in Washington.

They have intentionally made our medical system so complex that normal Americans like you and me will never understand it. 

They’ll scream that it’s not their fault and point fingers at every one but themselves, but the entire system is corrupt and places the almighty dollar over human lives. 
In a moment I’ll show you how it has lead to the death of millions of Americans and the problem is accelerating so quickly I don’t see how it ever slows down.

I first noticed it a few years ago in my work at Walter Reed. In the early 90’s we would care for our patients using traditional methods like physical therapy, rehabilitation, and supplement with gentle but effective painkillers.
In a moment I’ll show you how it has lead to the death of millions of Americans and the problem is accelerating so quickly I don’t see how it ever slows down.

I first noticed it a few years ago in my work at Walter Reed. In the early 90’s we would care for our patients using traditional methods like physical therapy, rehabilitation, and supplement with gentle but effective painkillers.

Just 10 years later, the hospital had become the dreaded “pill mill”

Instead of focusing on the underlying issues with people’s pain, we simply wrote them a prescription and sent them on their way.

With skyrocketing costs of all medical treatments and less and less time to focus on patient care, it was inevitable. My patient load more than doubled in just a few years and I had to help as many people as I could in as little time as possible.
So we started handing out pills like they were candy.  And we did it because they worked!  Boy did they work.  And why not, we were told they were safe. 

But then something became painfully obvious. Our patients were begging for us to give them more.  The pills became less effective over time, so our patients demanded more and more.

Luckily the holy oil I’m about to you show you can relieve joint pain in days - and it has zero addictive qualities.
But back then, I was horribly naive. I believed the drug companies when they said that less than 1% of all patients would become addicted.
The reality was that they were 13x more dangerous than the manufacturer claimed. Millions would die from overdosing on these supposedly ‘safe’ drugs. 

Those depressing videos you see of streets full of hopeless addicts wandering the streets of San Francisco like zombies are all a result of one company, and one man that declared himself the King of Pain.

It all started with a failing drug company that was on its death bed, they were broke and had no future prospects.
That’s when the founder’s nephew had an idea: why don’t we just patent heroin? His lab scientists scoffed at the idea, but that’s exactly what he did. 

He called it “time-release” and slapped some fancy terminology on it, but all he had created was legal, synthetic heroin. Pretty ingenious, right?
Then he bribed the FDA to approve it by promising the regulators high-paying jobs after they retired.  In fact the man who approved the drug went on to make multiple millions in salary and stock options from the drug company for decades after the drug was approved.
And then the company got to work using the shadiest tactics you’ve ever seen to make sure they could sell billions of dollars worth and build mansions for their entire corrupt family.

They bribed doctors with fancy vacations disguised as conferences. 

They flat out lied about it’s addictive properties. They even bought off medical journals and experts to say only good things about their drugs.
And of course, the drug worked! People who were suffering were suddenly getting relief. But only because they were taking opiates in doses that were long considered far too dangerous. 

Before this drug doctors were prescribing 10mg or less of opiates to help people fight pain. Suddenly with this drug people were taking as much 160mg - and sometimes 2-3 times a day!
They became hopelessly addicted, millions overdosed, and over 400,000 people died.  
That’s 3x more dead fathers, mothers, sons and daughters than were killed by COVID! These were mostly regular people, not drug addicts off the street. **

When the regulators finally got wise, millions of people who were addicted to legal pills that their doctor had given them suddenly became criminals and got their fix from street heroin.  
And with the influx of a super-powerful strain called fentantyl, these poor folks had no chance. The streets of our once - beautiful cities are now strewn with the people who are addicted and may never be able to stop their habits.  Those videos you see of zombified people wandering the streets in a drug- induced haze can thank the criminal empire that we call Big Pharma.

They were victims of a corrupt medical system that prescribed them something and told them it was safe!

This is our medical establishment! Do you trust these people? As I’ll show you in just a moment, addiction and overdose is just one part of the problem. 

Even the drugs you think of as “safer than opiates” are slowly eating away at your health.  They are destroying the defenses you so desperately need to fight deadly disease.

In a moment I will prove to you that you don’t have to use these dangerous drugs AND you don’t have to live with crippling joint pain!
You can move about the world, exercising and enjoying your favorite hobbies, without pain.  In fact I’ll show you how, with this incredible holy oil, you can forget you ever had joint pain.  That’s what happened to over 130,000 people so far who are using this cheap and easy solution to rejuvenate their joints.

But back to the story of how I discovered it. 

As addiction and overdoses gripped my clinic, I realized we had a massive problem.
I was just getting home one evening and flopped down in my easy chair to relax after a long day in the clinic.

I turned on the news to unwind, when I got the shock of my life. A mass shooting had just happened not 5 miles from my home. 
The video showed the shooter enter a shopping mall and start ruthlessly murdering anyone he saw. Panicked people were running everywhere.

My jaw dropped. I pulled out my iPad and looked at every news story I could find. I desperately hoped none of my friends or family were in the mall as it was happening. 

I was looking closely at every surveillance video I could find trying to see if I knew anyone in the attack.  Luckily I didn’t recognize anyone, but what I saw shocked me in a completely different way.
People were desperately trying to get out of the path of the shooter, but most of them could barely move. Here were people of all ages, and many could hardly move faster than a slow walk. Some were using canes or scooters, but many were moving on their own. 

Why were they moving so slow, when there was a mass murderer bearing down on them?  How could it be that so many people, even when facing a life or death situation, could hardly even walk let alone run to get away?

It was obvious they were in severe pain.  They were ‘waddling’, barely able to move their hips and knees. I could practically hear their bone on bone joints grinding together as they tried to get away from the shooter. Many of them limped so badly I had to wonder how they walked at all.

I was used to treating war veterans with severe joint pain, but this heartbreaking video showed me just how widespread the problem was.

Severe joint pain, bone on bone conditions and arthritis have run through our country like wildfire.

In fact most of the people who were asking for opiates and the dangerous drugs you and I talked about before were suffering debilitating joint pain.

Ask yourself, if you were attacked by a man with a gun who intended to kill you, could you actually run away from him? I’m guessing the answer is no.  

It’s no wonder too, the modern American diet has wrecked our joints. In a moment, I’ll show you the 3 common health foods that are destroying your joints.
Modern processed foods, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle has broken down our joint tissue and wrecked our bodies.  And it was never more obvious than after watching the mass shooting video.  It was right then that I decided I had to do something about it.

I couldn’t believe, that even with all these painkillers on the market, both opiates and over the counter drugs, we still hadn’t figured out how to solve joint pain.

How can that be?  I pondered this question for many months. Then I dove headlong into the research.
At the time I believed the stuff that worked was deadly, but the stuff that was safe didn’t really work!

Little did I know that the common, over the counter drugs I had been recommending for decades weren’t any better than the opiates.

See when I discovered just how deadly opiates and drugs you and I talked about before were, I immediately started recommending NSAIDS. NSAIDS are non-sterodal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin and similar meds.

But then my research revealed a startling truth, these drugs - that can be found in every grocery store in the world - are slowly killing you.
But not in the way you think.

Yes, you probably know that they are slowly eating away at your organs and making you more susceptible to heart attack and stroke, but what you don’t know is that they are eroding the very function that keeps you from getting a deadly disease.

And that’s because we’ve been thinking about inflammation
all wrong.

It’s time you heard the truth. Here it comes.

Now let me ask you a question:

If you think about inflammation, what comes to mind?

You probably think, redness, swelling, pain and discomfort right?

That’s part of the picture but what you probably don’t think about is ‘disease fighting’, ‘virus destroying’, and ‘essential bodily function’. 
Because that is what inflammation truly is, it’s what is keeping you alive!

See inflammation isn’t just one thing, its a whole host of things.

But we’ve been tricked into thinking it’s ALL bad. In fact a huge chunk of western medicine is designed to reduce or remove inflammation.

Heck even fevers are a good part of inflammation. Your body intentionally heats to a temperature that most viruses can’t survive. It’s a critical defense mechanism. 
Inflammation has been vilified for decades now as the cause of everything from aging to cancer to Alzheimer’s.

And it’s certainly true you don’t want certain kinds of inflammation.

But you wouldn’t last a month without some inflammation.

Inflammation attacks viruses and bacteria. Inflammation allows you to heal wounds and injuries. Inflammation is ESSENTIAL to life. 

The difference between good and bad inflammation can often be described as acute (good) and chronic (bad).

Acute inflammation attacks diseases, foreign bodies, and injuries as they occur. Chronic inflammation starts to break down the body itself and can destroy healthy tissue too.  This is the cause of most of the autoimmune diseases we see today.
So we want to let acute inflammation do its job, and reduce chronic inflammation.

And yet, these pills we’re taking are designed to reduce ALL inflammation.  

Yep, they don’t care if its good or bad inflammation.
That means if you take NSAIDS like ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen, you’re weakening your immune system with every single pill.

You’ve known for years that these drugs could cause heart attacks and stroke, but did you know they could make you vulnerable to dangerous illnesses too?
A recent study showed that these drugs, which are sitting on your bathroom shelf right now, radically reduce antibodies in the blood. Antibodies are what fight bad bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances in your body.(1)
How on earth are you supposed to fight off deadly diseases when your disease response has been reduced by at least 94%!!

That means every time you take one of these pills and then go out in public you’re playing Russian roulette with your health.

Is it any wonder that pandemics, flu epidemics, and even the common cold are so much more prevalent now? (2)
Another study found that NSAIDs were harmful when taken during a worldwide viral outbreak like the one a few years ago.(3)
This is exactly when you need your immune system to be at it’s best, and these drugs are making it worse!**
And sadly, the news gets even scarier. 

These drugs also destroy the lining in your stomach and intestines. (4)

That’s why many of them come with a warning for people with ulcers and stomach problems. 

Well, guess what your stomach and intestinal linings do?

Yep, they are the first line of defense in your fight against disease.

So its a double whammy.

The foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria penetrate the stomach and intestinal walls easier and then the your antibodies are reduced by 95% in your blood stream.

At that point you’re fighting deadly disease with both arms tied behind your back.

You may have dealt with sickness lately and wondered why your immune system was so weak.
You may have wondered why you seem to catch everything that comes around.
Now you know: you’re destroying your only defense against these diseases.

And if you’re not dealing with constant sickness now, if you keep taking those dangerous painkillers, it’s just a matter of time before you will. 

To fight this pain and not completely destroy your immune system, you need a laser targeted inflammation fighter.

One that can reduce inflammation in the joints, while also allowing the joints to rebuild themselves.
Something that would not destroy the immune system, but would BOOST it instead would be the perfect substitute. 

Something that would solve our bone on bone joints and restore our health instead of slowly destroying it. 

That’s what I was looking for. And that’s when I discovered this breakthrough holy oil.

One organic chemical kept up coming over and over again in my research.

It comes from a plant found in Israel.

In fact it was present at the birth of Christ and has been used in religious ceremonies for centuries.

It’s thought to fill any one who smells it with the holy spirit. And it’s thought to have healing properties on the soul. 

That’s why millions believe it is a holy oil.
But recent scientific studies show it to be a massive medical breakthrough for people suffering from bone on bone conditions and excruciating pain in their joints.

Study after study showed that this holy oil could reduce joint pain, increase joint mobility, and radically reduce joint stiffness.
I just had to dig deeper. After all there are plenty of studies that show NSAIDS like ibuprofen and off the shelf pain relievers do these things too.
That was the real question. 

It didn’t take me long to find out: this holy oil was not just good for joint pain, but it had the exact opposite effect on your body as most common painkillers.

Remember, most painkillers are like a nuclear bomb for your immunity. 

But this holy oil seem to have the exact opposite affect.
That’s right, while common painkillers reduce the antibodies in your blood, the holy oil actually increases your antibodies levels.
Yes, this incredible oil actually boosts your immune system while reducing the inflammation that causes your joint pain to flare up.

Like we discussed before, inflammation is a complex, multifaceted process. There are dozens of natural chemicals involved.

It just so happens that the holy oil - by some miracle - contains the necessary compounds that lower the inflammation AND boost the antibodies that you desperately need to stay healthy. 
So you get the best of both worlds - you banish pain and stiffness AND boost your immune system in one easy to use compound.

It’s the holy grail for seniors suffering from pain.

And I’ve seen the benefits first hand.

It’s not just that people are able to walk and live without pain. No its way better than that.

The folks that are using this holy oil solution are putting away their canes, walkers and wheelchairs.  

Just look at these messages, I get a new one almost every day.
Imagine, these folks suffered from so much pain that they had to use canes and walkers for years.

And now with this holy oil, they can move around how they want to and enjoy their lives again.  They have more freedom than they have in years.

And when seniors can move and exercise their entire outlook improves. I have found in my 30 years of practicing medicine that the #1 factor in living a long and vibrant life is mobility and energy.

Well, energy comes from mobility doesn’t it?? You’ll naturally have more energy when you’re not crippled by pain.

When you can do that, your overall health often radically improves.  And not just your physical health, but your mental health too.

In fact, Stanford University researcher Dr. Peter Attia, in his recent book about longevity called Outlive, says: 
“The single most powerful item in our preventive tool kit is exercise” and 

That’s right, it’s not drugs, diet or surgery.
Most seniors stop exercising because of the pain they feel. It’s just too painful to walk for many so they simply stop doing it.

And this has so many knock-on effects, their mental aptitude declines, and they just slowly fade away.

I’ve seen it hundreds of times in my practice and I’m sure you’ve seen it in your life too. When seniors stop moving - its usually the beginning of the end.
Most seniors stop exercising because of the pain they feel. It’s just too painful to walk for many so they simply stop doing it.

And this has so many knock-on effects, their mental aptitude declines, and they just slowly fade away.

I’ve seen it hundreds of times in my practice and I’m sure you’ve seen it in your life too. When seniors stop moving - its usually the beginning of the end.
Now you have a solution, now you know you can stop pain in its tracks, increase your mobility and freedom, and boost your immune system.

And now you can do it with this exclusive formula that contains the holy oil and another key ingredient that can radically reduce pain.

I call it:


This formula has radically changed the lives of my patients.

See, this formula contains the holy oil I’ve been telling you about.

What is the holy oil?

It’s called beta boswellic acid, or BBA.  

Sometimes you’ll see it called frankincense in a religious setting.

Either way its a godsend for my patients.

And the science backs it up.

Study after study shows that BBA can drastically reduce the pain and stiffness that you feel in your joints.
In fact one study proved that BBA was so good for joints that it actually allowed the patients to regrow healthy joint tissue.
Just look at this before and after x-ray.  On the before x-ray you can see narrow spacing, bone on bone and even bone spurs. “before and after”
But in the next x-ray, you can see what looks like a brand new knee.  It’s so much better when I first saw it I could hardly believe it was the same knee.

But, sure enough, its the same patients x-ray just a few weeks later. Now you can see the joint spacing is much wider and shows healthy, strong, spongy joint material in the joint instead of the painful bone on bone condition you saw before.

And the bone spurs are gone!  What a relief that must be for the patient to have a like-new, pain-free and bone-spur-free joints.

Here’s how it works.

BBA slows down 5-LOX production in the body.  5-LOX is an enzyme that produces the inflammation that you feel in your joints. 

Slow down 5-LOX, and your joint inflammation drops drastically. In fact, it drops so much that it’s believed that the joint can begin to heal itself. 

Remember inflammation that lingers in the body actually starts to break down your healthy joint tissue after a while. If you and I can stop this ongoing inflammation, it signals the body to start to repair the joint.
So instead of just masking the symptoms by lowering pain, BBA can actually allow the body to rebuild the joint.

That’s why it looks like the person in this x-ray has brand new knees.

Plus, BBA boosts your immune system, so instead of handicapping your ability to fight off nasty invaders in your body, you’ll supercharge it.
And you can enjoy it now too, with JointRestore. 

I also included another powerful ingredient to drastically reduce pain and inflammation in your body, without affecting your immune system.

This ingredient is commonly known as Full Spectrum Hemp Extract.  We’ll call it HE for short.

See HE has been known for decades as a powerful inflammation fighter, but we’re only now beginning to understand just how well it works.
It was illegal for decades, but lucky for us its now legal to use anywhere in the US.

And it’s a good thing, because just like with BBA, HE has been proven to reduce pain.

At least 15 different studies showed that HE could reduce pain and inflammation markers in folks suffering from constant pain in their joints. (7)
They showed at least a 37% reduction in pain, some times as much as 72%.
Plus HE has been shown to boost immunity just like BBA can, so you’re getting a double dose of pain-fighting, and immune boosting power with JointRestore.
Overall JointRestore gets 4.7 stars:

I get notes like this every day

That’s another thing I hear constantly, people can sleep better with JointRestore. Millions of people are suffering in bed because of their pain. They just can’t get comfortable, and so they don’t get very much sleep. 

When you don’t sleep well, your mental state really declines. You can get depression, forgetfulness, and brain fog. I don’t know about you, but I need all the help I can get when it comes to my brain, which is why I’m so thrilled to hear that people sleep better with Joint Restore.
Now, there’s one more reason you’re going to love JointRestore. 

One thing I found over and over again in my clinic: my patients were sick of pills!  Especially with nutritional supplements, since the capsules tend to be so big,

I had many patients with war injuries who simply could not swallow big pills, so a capsule was not even an option for them. 
And with a pain reliever, its better to have something you can take any time any where the pain strikes - even if you don’t have a glass of water.

That’s why I packed all these incredible ingredients into a delicious gummy.

Gummies are all the rage because you can have a delicious treat that makes you healthier every day. 

And my clients LOVE the taste.
Now you can have the best tasting, most effective BBA and HE gummy on the market and FEEL the relief you deserve.

You can exercise, sleep, and live pain-free for the first time in years.

But there’s just one problem. 

See, the ingredients to make this formula are not easy to find. I insist we use only the finest BBA and HE extracts in the world. I tried dozens of different combinations before I landed on this one. 
And not only does this formula have to be incredibly effective, but it has to taste good too. You can imagine that something like frankincense would not be easy to eat.  It’s very flowery, so I had to get the gummy flavors just right.

And I wanted to do it without loading our product up with sugar too, which is not easy.

Our gummies only have 5 grams of sugar, so you don’t have to worry about blowing up your diet with Joint Restore. 

But these ingredients are expensive. BBA is so powerful and in such high demand after the recent studies showing how effective it is, that it’s more valuable on a pound of pound basis than gold! 

And the supply chains are still a mess, all these years later, from COVID.
But I want to make something that’s not only highly effective, but affordable for anyone. I have had patients that have spent thousands of dollars on stem cells and pain injections. Sometimes they worked, sometimes they didn’t. Even if they don’t work, you can’t get your money back on a medical procedure!

And I have seen patients spend $15,000 on a joint replacement surgery, only to discover their problems didn’t go away. Many of them found out the hard way that those ‘new’ joints only last 5-10 years.
Well if you’ want to be active into your 80’s like so many folks, you might have to get that joint replacement replaced!  What a nightmare.

Talk about wasted money.
But I’m obviously not going to charge anything close to that. And I’m certainly not getting rich of this. Between the expensive ingredients, the outrageous shipping fees these days, and my insistence that I pay a living wage for all the Americans who make JointRestore possible, I’m not getting rich.

Nor would I want to. I believe that so many people are exploiting our medical system for their own personal gain. Me, I’m on a mission. I’m on a mission to banish pain for seniors. 

This is my life’s work, I was put on this earth to relieve pain and suffering and the good Lord has given me the tools to do so. So I won’t overcharge and I stand by every single bottle that we ship.
So that means I charge a modest price for a highly effective product. And I pour the profits back into doing more research to find more cures for more problems.  Simple right?

So I’m not going to charge anything close to what those injections or deadly painkillers cost.  And you can even use your health savings account to pay for it, so it’s even further discounted.

And just to prove that I’m on a mission to banish your pain, I am going to offer you an exclusive deal for 50% off today.

If you order 3 jars of your new favorite joint pain formula, JointRestore, I’ll send you 3 more jars for free.

But that’s not the best part. The best part is there is ZERO risk to you.  

See I know you’ve probably heard people claim that they have the thing that’s finally going to fix your pain.  And you’ve probably heard it from doctors too!

But here’s the difference between me and them: I’m going to give you your money back if Joint Restore doesn’t relieve your joint pain.  And I don’t just mean today, tomorrow or next month.
I mean any time you’re not happy, you get your money back.  There is no 30 or 60 or 90 day trial period. Try it for 6 months or 6 years. Empty every jar you order, it doesn’t matter. If Joint Restore doesn’t relieve your pain, you get your money back.
I mean any time you’re not happy, you get your money back.  There is no 30 or 60 or 90 day trial period. Try it for 6 months or 6 years. Empty every jar you order, it doesn’t matter. If Joint Restore doesn’t relieve your pain, you get your money back.
Try getting that kind of guarantee from any other doctor!  They’ll laugh you out of their office. 

But I can afford such an outlandish refund policy only because I so rarely get asked for a refund!
I see about 94% success rate with Joint Restore, which means I don’t have many folks that need a refund. 

But if you’re not happy, even if its just the way they taste, its not a problem. I’ll refund your purchase right away.

No hassles or return authorizations, you just get your money back.
To see if you qualify for 3 FREE jars, click on the button below
Lifetime Guarantee and FREE shipping...
I told you I want to make this a no brainer, and I think it is. You’ll get fast joint pain relief, and you’ll feel like you have practically ‘new knees’ or you get your money back. It’s that simple.

I’ll even offer to send you 3 FREE bottles. That’s how confident I am that this will work for you. Just click below to get started.  We’re often running low on stock because this product is so popular, so don’t wait.
And it’s so much cheaper than pain injections, stem cell treatments, and surgery that you can’t afford NOT to try it.

So now you have a choice to make. You could try to find high quality BBA and HE and make this formula yourself. Maybe it works and maybe it doesn’t. Maybe you’d get your money back and maybe you wouldn’t. 

Or you can press the easy button and simply place an order on our secure system for your first package of Joint Restore gummies. They are so delicious you’ll forget that it’s medicine.

In fact many of our clients refer to it as a their “knee candy”.
Don’t you want to enjoy the rest of your years, instead of suffering in silence? Look I know you’re tough and you try to keep a stiff upper lip. But given the fact that you’ve read this far tells me that you are truly suffering.

Well I am here to tell you that you don’t have to suffer any longer!  You can have healthy, pain-free joints and get rid of bone on bone.

You can enjoy exercising, being outdoors, and being active. You can sleep better and travel more. But you have to make a decision now.  Do you want to end up with a cane, walker, or God forbid, a wheelchair?
Don’t you want to enjoy the rest of your years, instead of suffering in silence? Look I know you’re tough and you try to keep a stiff upper lip. But given the fact that you’ve read this far tells me that you are truly suffering.

Well I am here to tell you that you don’t have to suffer any longer!  You can have healthy, pain-free joints and get rid of bone on bone.

You can enjoy exercising, being outdoors, and being active. You can sleep better and travel more. But you have to make a decision now.  Do you want to end up with a cane, walker, or God forbid, a wheelchair?

So just click below to select the best package for your needs, and in no time you’ll be on the road to recovery.

To see if you qualify for 3 FREE jars, click on the button below
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Now before you go, I promised I would tell about the 3 foods that were making your arthritis worse. 
The first food is coffee creamers. You’ve been led to believe that these are perfectly healthy but I assure you they are not!

The primary ingredient in most of these creamers has been shown to release cytokines.  Cytokines produce inflammatory signals, which will inflame arthritic hands, knees, and hips causing you severe pain over time. 
The second food is grilled and smoked meats. Now, if you’re like me you just LOVE barbecue, but unfortunately many of these foods have been shown to raise inflammation levels in people with arthritis.  
Combine it with the 3rd arthritis food - foods heavy in sugar - and you’ve got a combination that will send your joints into the red zone on the pain meter. Sadly, you often combine barbecued foods with things like barbecue sauce and desserts - which are both loaded with sugar.
Fortunately, Joint Restore can allow you to still enjoy your coffee creamer, barbecued meats, and those tasty desserts, and still reverse your joint pain.   I can’t imagine life without my brisket and pecan pie, and now I don’t have to!

You don’t have to either.

In just a few moments, you'll join hundreds of thousands of others who have relieved their joint pain and got back to the life they had dreamed of when they were younger. They sleep better, exercise more, and I bet you because of that they’ll probably live longer too.
To see if you qualify for 3 FREE jars, click on the button below
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1) Ibuprofen and other widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit antibody production in human cells https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2693360/
2) Seasonality of influenza and coseasonality with avian influenza in Bangladesh, 2010–19: a retrospective, time-series analysis https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X%2822%2900212-1/fulltext
3) NSAIDs Might Exacerbate or Suppress COVID-19 Depending on Timing https://asm.org/Press-Releases/2021/January/NSAIDs-Might-Exacerbate-or-Suppress-COVID-19-Depe
4) Pathogenesis of NSAID-induced gastric damage: Importance of cyclooxygenase inhibition and gastric hypermotility https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3351764/
5) If you want to boost immunity, look to the gut https://www.uclahealth.org/news/want-to-boost-immunity-look-to-the-gut
6) Modulation of the immune system by Boswellia serrata extracts and boswellic acids https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20696559/
7) Pharmacotherapeutic considerations for use of cannabinoids to relieve pain in patients with malignant diseases https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5922297/

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* Results may vary, your results may be different.  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results may vary, your results may be different. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. Click here [link out to material] to find evidence of a test, analysis, research, or study describing the benefits, performance or efficacy of this product based on the expertise of relevant professionals.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of "JointRestore" products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

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